Friday, April 13, 2007

OLD Hand Hewn Beams Rescued From Dumpster!

EEEEEEEEKKKKKKK! It's the chalkboard sound.

It's that feeling you get when you miss out on something good that you had the chance to get, but didn't.

That's what happened when I spied the Dozier on the old Tryon house site Keep Your Eye On The Prize and worse, saw the huge yellow dumpster full of crunched up house, antique doors, hand-hewn pegged, square log beams and things that I wished I could have salvaged.

When I realized what was going on, I whipped the Denali around, pulled up the road and trotted over to the Dozier in my business suit and high heels.

The man running the machine cut it off and we had a really nice Southern "get to know you" chat. He sat in the cab and I stood in heels in the fresh dirt.

He was as nice as punch and we knew a lot of the same people. In the end, I was given permission to pull out what I wanted because nothing was going to be saved.

I headed home to change and returned late in the day when all was quiet and started pulling out and picking up what I could.

With the help of my 16 year old, (Someone should have stopped and told us that we were crazy to think that a 46 year old woman and a 16 year old girl could handle those solid, HEAVY 18 foot beams.) we ended up with a groaning pickup load full of old hand-hewn square log beams, 1 old beautiful walnut door complete with beautiful brass hardware, some scrapes, a couple of broken fingernails and 1 possible hernia.

I was thrilled and appreciative of the gift and the kindness of the Dozier operator but sad knowing that there was so much more that I would have loved to have.
Have you ever missed out on something really good? Let us know!

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