Monday, April 30, 2007

Cha Ching! Free Beams Sell For $250.00

For those of you who have been following the posts, my intention is to get the word out that you can find items that people throw away and make money selling them to individuals or on eBay!

In the post OLD Hand Hewn Beams Rescued From Dumpster! I was blessed with a gift of some beams and a door that were given to me by the bull dozier operator who was tearing down a beautiful old house for his client.

I swapped the door with a friend for his restoration labor ($100.00) on a table that I have that needed it and the beams were being ear marked for my next house. While I tried to figure out where I was going to store them, they were neatly stacked in my front yard next to the road.

I've seen several people eyeing the beams as they go up and down the street. A couple in a black pickup made several passes. My phone rang two days ago and a friend said that one of his buddies was interested in buying the beams and asked me if I would consider selling them.

Sooooooo.....they came by, and offer was made and the beams were purchased for $250.00. TYG! (Thank You God!)

It's always nice when these little monetary gifts come along!

Never be afraid to ask someone who is throwing something away if you can have it. Ask and you shall receive seems to work well for me.

Yet again, what was considered trash by one is considered treasure by another. It's why I love being a TREASUREHOLIC, don't you?

I know a 16 year old who helped me load them that will be thrilled that she's in on the take and will get paid for something that she wasn't expecting any money for. Maybe next time she will come running and won't roll her eyes and make grumpy teenage noises when I ask her to help me pull something out of the dumpster.

Go find something to sell today and tell me about it!

Happy Hunting!

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