Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hi. I'm Dana, And I'm A Treasureholic.

Picture this, I'm in a room filled with people who have come to the same meeting for the same purpose. We all share the same compulsion.

The room is filled with squeaky, cold, brown metal folding chairs and there are a only a few empty seats. I'm seated midway in the crowd and I feel compelled to talk. Sheepishly, I raise my hand and am asked by the Leader to come up to the front to tell my story. I start by saying 7 revealing words to the crowd.

"Hi. I'm Dana, and I'm a Treasureholic.

Most people have heard the phrase, "What's one man's trash is another man's treasure." It's that way for me. I have to think that somewhere, some highly educated geneticist in some lab has isolated a specific defect in the chain of human DNA that causes this obvious genetic profile (Maybe it's shaped like an old chair that needs re-caning).

If it would make you feel better to admit that you too are a Treasureholic, and you want or must share your treasure hunting addiction, please email me and I'll post your comments here in the blog.

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