Sunday, May 13, 2007

What's Your Passion?

What's your Passion? Do you know? Are you sure?

A lot of people find themselves in a familiar spot. Most of the time, it's not a topic of discussion but it's a very powerful thing that shapes us as we mature. Often, we don't even recognize it but deep down inside, it's happening. Each of us is trying to find our purpose in life and figure out why we are here - and more importantly - who we are and what makes us happy in life.

I say, follow your passion and you will be content.

When you follow your passion, good stuff happens. Personally, professionally, romantically, etc. It's where your heart is and where your interests lie. It's where you want to be and what you want to spend your time doing. Hopefully it's your work. If it's not, then it should be.

When you're passionate about something, it makes it easier to do, more fun, exciting, you are more driven, and you don't loose interest.

How do I know this? Because I had to figure it out for myself and it took years.

I've spent hours thinking about what I want to do when I'm grown up and what I need to be doing with my life. What's interesting, is I think I have finally figured it out.

If you are like me, you want to be on tract. I've spent hours reviewing my life, what makes me tick and analyzing who I am.

What made it all come together for me were 5 simple questions that I came up with that I would like to share with you.

Treasureholic's - 5 Questions to Help You ID Your Passion:

Answer each question honestly. Your answers need to be places and things and NOT people. List as many as you can for each question.
  1. What do you love?
  2. What hobbies do you have outside of work?
  3. What objects do you surround yourself with?
  4. What do you treasure?
  5. If money were no object, what would you do with your time?

Now that your finished, I'm sure that you have an interesting list. Now take the same questions and ask 5 of your closest friends or family members to answer the questions as they pertain to you. Basically, they are going to give you an outside perspective of what and who they think you are.

For example:

What does Dana love? etc. (All sorts of Treasure Hunting.)

Their answers will give you additional insight about yourself. When you have your answers, make a list of the common items. You will start to see similar things come up. Guess what? That's where your passion lies. You've done it. This exercise helps you to know what drives you and makes you happy. It will help you to define your life and your career.

When you can find a way to do what you love and match your passion(s) you will be successful. You will shine and your customers will appreciate you because passion can clearly be felt and it's contagious.

Before you know it, you will be making money doing what you love.

Please let me know if you have a revelation? Email

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