Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Oak Tree Treasure

Today I stopped by a friend's house to ask if I could harvest the wild oyster mushrooms that were growing on the side of a dead oak tree on his property.

Not the kind of treasure that you'd expect here but there's one thing about being a treasure hunter, treasure comes in many forms and it all boils down to the hunt.

I've thought long and hard about what drives a person who is a born treasure hunter or at least is driven to be a hunter. As a woman, it's an odd thing for me to have the hunter gatherer desire. My sister tells me all of the time that I'm the hunter gatherer for our immediate family and it drives her crazy. Especially when we are fishing. She finally gives up and goes home after we've been out there for hours and I'm not ready to leave. It's not that she hasn't caught fish, she's just bored and has had enough so back down the dock she goes headed back to the house leaving the rest of the sea trout, crabs, shrimp and red fish for me to catch.

There's something to her comments; she's right. I feel the urge to find the prize and it's not specific. It's the hunt. I love it and I seem drawn to hunt all types of things.

Today it was 20 lbs of wild oyster mushrooms. I've cleaned them and have 5 plastic bags lightly filled with sauteed oyster mushroom and they are headed to the freezer. I'm dehydrating two pans of shrooms that will end up in some dish in my kitchen. Yummy!

Check out this link it shows great pix of oyster mushrooms and gives quite a bit of detail about them. If you're thinking about heading out there yourself, or trying some wild mushrooms, BE CAREFUL. Some types can kill and it's not a hobby that you try and see if you like it. Please be cautious when consuming wild food especially mushrooms! I want you to be around to keep reading my blogs.

It's a true treasure as long as you know what you're consuming. Happy Hunting!

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