Thursday, June 14, 2007

Teen Finds Diamond in State Park!

Arkansas Teen Finds 2.93 Carat Diamond At State Park!

June 6, 2007

A 13-year-old teenager has reportedly discovered a 2.93-carat diamond at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro. Nicole Ruhter's diamond is a tea-colored broken pyramid shaped with several imperfections, but the to-be-eighth grader is happy to have found one.

"I was kind of praying to God. I was saying, 'I don't care if it's worth whatever it's worth, I don't care if it's a tiny little sliver of something, I just want something,'" she told the AP of her find. "Ten minutes later, I just found it."

The Crater of Diamonds State Park is the world's only diamond-bearing site where visitors are allowed to search for and keep the gems they find.

The largest of the 25,000 diamonds found to date at the park since it was opened for the public in 1972, is a 16.37-carat Amarillo Starlight, found by a visitor from Texas in 1975.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Treasure Found! Club Member Finds Diamond Ring!

Memorial Day weekend proved to be a great time to metal detect on Charleston's beaches! A friend of mine who is in my metal detecting club Chris Phillips and his son Jake had the best luck on the trip!

Chris and Jake nailed a great find just after dark while trying their hand at night hunting. The tide was in their favor - out, and the beach had been packed during the weekend with ton's of people which translates into lost items and treasure to find!

We started hunting around Ft. Moultrie on Sullivan's Island earlier in the day and the tide was coming in. The beach was pretty crowded so we had to weave our way in and out of the crowd.

All of the items found were recent the most interesting being a microphone and down pretty deep there was a steel belted radial! Yes, you have to expect such things and keep on hunting for the prize!

We shifted gears and headed to the other side of the fort where the beach was wider. People were starting to leave and head home for the day which helped with accessibility to hunt.

A couple of newer coins were found, Jake found an interesting gold colored item that looked like some sort of medallion.

We packed up and headed over to Isle of Palms and hit Front Beach

If you've been there, you will know that it's a hot spot for people and a great place to search. If you're not into metal detecting but like beach hot spots, check out the Windjammer! It's been there for YEARS - yes, it was one of my hangouts in high school and I'm no spring chick-en. Another person from our club found a nice platinum ring at the WJ in the beach volleyball court one year!

Within minutes, I had a large handful of change, a white gold earring and I kept hunting until it was starting to get dark. I called it a night and headed to the house.

Chris called not ten minutes after I walked in the door and shared the story of his fabulous find! He had a solid hit on his detector and Jake was using the sand scoop and scooped up a large gold gent's wedding band with 7 diamonds!