Monday, March 12, 2007

How I Started And How You Can Too!

I'm so excited! Welcome to The Treasureholic's Blog site and my first blog! OK, I'm a newbie, so please forgive me for not knowing the proper blogging etiquette. I'll be the first to say that I don't know all there is to know to setting up this blog. But here's what I do know...

I've been a TREASURE HUNTER FOR YEARS! Treasure hunting has given me a way to take the passion that I have for my hobby and supplement my single Mom income! In addition, there are all forms and types of treasure! It's really all about the thrill of the hunt and finding things that you or others want!

So where do I begin?

First and foremost, my teenage daughter - who is a wonderful child - told me that I need to make it VERY CLEAR that the picture that is shown on my blog site is of a JAPANESE MAPLE SEEDLING which is an ornamental tree. It's just one of the many "found items" that I sell on eBay and I can't wait to tell you how I do it and you can too!

So how did this treasure hunting thing get started?

When I was a little girl, my Mother would take me on long walks in our neighborhood. The area where we lived backed up on the Inter coastal Waterway in Charleston, South Carolina and it was affectionately called "The Dump".

This area was rich in history and there were plenty of places in the salt marsh to look for interesting items.

My Mom and I would search for all types of old things. At the time, what was treasure to a little girl used to be garbage to people who were long gone. Charleston holds a great deal of history and the people who used to live on the riverbanks of plantations were doing their best to rebound from the Civil War.

As a child, anything and everything that I found was treasure.

There were old whiskey bottles with imprints of the State of South Carolina, little pieces of gold metal that were stamped in between the cobble-stoned street in front of our church, an ancient Sloth vertebrae (that I still have 40 years later) that we took to The Old Charleston Museum for identification, a clay pipe with the letter "s" embossed on the bowl on one side and an old sailing ship on the other, handfuls of old metal mule shoes, broken blue willow pottery with hand-painted Asian men tending rice fields, a hand-blown light blue glass ink well, ancient sharks teeth that were 7 inches long, etc., and the list goes on and on.

It is all treasure to me. And today, what was one man's garbage is another man's gold!

It payed when I was a child to live where Eliza Lucas Pinckney had her plantation and farmed the land, planted the indigo and harvested the rice but it's not necessary to be somewhere like that. Treasure can be anything that has value to you or someone else. It's everywhere YOU CAN FIND IT! AND I CAN HELP YOU!

As I said in the beginning, I'm so excited and I can't wait to tell you about my treasure hunting escapades! There's so much to tell, and so many exciting stories to share. The people that I meet when I'm out there "digging around" are so interesting and some are pretty wacky!

Everyone wants to get in on the action and find a way to turn stuff into cash! Keep coming back and you'll see how much fun treasure hunting can be and how you too can turn everyday items and things that you can find into an exciting way to make extra money, experience one of a kind vacations, meet fascinating people, visit beautiful places and have the time of your life just like I do!

Happy Hunting!

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