Sunday, January 25, 2009

Panning for GOLD at a New Creek Site

Today I braved the cold to get out and try my luck panning for gold in a new spot. I've done some internet homework over the last few months and have researched the old gold mine permits in North and South Carolina that are not too far from my home.

It was a bit nippy here to get my hands in the water at first, but three pans later, I was either pretty used to it, or my hands were frozen and I just didn't know.

I'd say that I'm a beginning panner and I've been panning for about a year. I found that panning with someone who knows how to do it and can show you shortcuts helps a ton and ensures that you are not making simple mistakes.

If you've never panned and would like to try, here are some simple instructions:

Things You’ll Need:

Pans For Gold Panning
Plastic Pill Vials
Detailed Local Maps or knowledge of gold bearing streams
Metal Detectors - Optional
Medicine Dropper - Optional
Magnets - Optional
Magnifying Glasses - If you're over 45, definately!

Step 1 - Buy a gold pan from a mining supply store or you can purchase one from me on ebay.

You will need one that has riffles - bars or slats - and a catch hole in the bottom, since these help the gold to separate from other particles more easily. Plastic pans are generally preferred over metal pans because they are lighter, have shallower angles (which reduces the risk of gold's being tossed out of the pan), and because gold is easier to spot against plastic than against shiny metal.

Step 2 - Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the recreational prospecting regulations of the area in which you wish to pan for gold.

Step 3 - Choose a location along a river or creek to pan. Places where the water slows down noticeably, such as behind sandbars or large rocks, are usually good spots for panning. You can also ask park officials or local prospecting organizations for recommendations about the best places to pan.

Step 4 - Fill the pan almost to the top with sand from the edge of the creek or river. Try sand from various depths. Use a shovel to dig deeper.

Step 5 - Dip the pan's edge into the stream and fill it with water.

Step 6 - Hold the pan with both hands and shake it from side to side right to left. I like this method when you first start out because it seems to force the heavier material to the bottom of the pan quickly and pulls the rocks and sand up to the top. Dip your pan back into the water and start moving your pan in a swirling motion.

Step 7 - Keep dipping and swirling your pan in the water. You can start off slowly and then begin to swirl the pan faster. You will lose some of the water, along with lighter particles of sand, as you go.

Step 8 - Begin scraping the top sand out of the pan with your free hand.

Step 9 - Continue until much of the pan is empty. What you are trying to accomplish is to eliminate all of the rocks and sand from the pan and you will start to see black sand in your pan. That's what you want! The black sand that you see is heavier than regular stream sand and that's where the gold will be found. Gold is heavier than the black sand so it will go to the bottom when you shake it again. Make sure to leave a little water in your pan and this process will go faster.

Step 10 - Use tweezers or a pipette to retrieve tiny gold particles and pick out larger samples with your fingers. You can lick your finger, pick up the gold and dip your finger in the water filled vial. The gold will drop off and fall to the bottom of the vial.

Step 11 - Keep all gold samples in plastic vials or sample bottles. Lick your finger and touch the gold in the pan. An old timer told me to be careful with this finger licking good thing because you can loose some gold. I guess you better make sure you have sticky spit.

Step 12 - The most important thing is to have fun!

Back to my new site. I found some flakes in one of the pans of material that I was working. When it warms up, I'm heading back and plan on hitting my friend's place at Gold Mine Creek.

Happy Hunting!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Orlean's TREASURE And GOLD!

You know you can find GOLD ANYWHERE if you just look. I was invited to participate in a "junket" trip sponsored by Harrah's Casino and Hotel in New Orleans this past weekend. A junket trip is offered by the casino to people who have gaming play history at thier sites. (Yes, I've been known to play the slots.) The trip covered two free airline tickets from Charlote to New Orleans and the hotel for 4 days and 3 nights. Plus they threw in $200 in cash and $150 in meal vouchers. I asked my sister and a friend to go and we had the ultimate girlie weekend. Nothing like you see on Girl's Gone Wild, but we did have a marvelous time. So back to the GOLD. You know me, I'm looking for treasure everywhere and guess what? When we touched down on the runway in Charlotte, I was coming back home with GOLD in my purse! Here's the deal: I found two seperate 14K GOLD earrings on the ground in two seperate places while I was in New Orleans! One was quite heavy and the other one was loaded with nice sized pearls. I'm adding them to my stash of old gold that I'll be cashing in soon. I'd love to know how many people loose jewelry while in New Orleans. I'd bet you there are a bunch. A true treasure hunter knows that a key element of the hunt involves hunting in areas where people have been because people loose things and some of them are valuable!

The next time you're somewhere where there are a lot of people, keep your eye's open and you never know what you might find!